Tuesday, June 5, 2012


While in a waiting room for several hours today, I stumbled upon this gem and snapped a picture of the cover. It started to bring back some of the concepts we read about in Chapter 12. It has a list of 10 brands that are the most trusted and popular in the United States and how they became so successful. I found it really interesting what each company did to become so trusted, and each one is very different. Anyway, I found the article online if anyone would like to take a look!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the article. I was surprised to see Nordstrom on there.I chuckled with Southwest Airlines in the "you'd think it would be easy to replicate" and often that is what I am left to ponder, "Why can't we just do it right?" or "Why can't we do what makes sense?" Often I am puzzled by the silent hurricane that is middle-management. There is a universe above and below, so often nothing seems to get through.
